Relieve Neck Pain with a Trigger Point Massage

Cortiva Institute

The trigger point is typically treated by massaging the area. The points are sensitive areas within the muscles that become painful and hurtful when touched or overused, and they can sometimes transfer pain to other parts. Trigger points and other myofascial pains are aligned, but the pain they cause can hurt a lot and debilitate. However, trigger point pressure release is a simple, non-invasive way to release those tight spots and alleviate pain.

How To Massage Your Neck

Massaging the areas can be challenging in a hard-to-reach place near your upper back. Trigger point massage has also been recounted as a treatment for reducing pain. A headache, for example, may be pain from a knot in your neck. In this context, if you massage trigger points such as the neck knot, this could avert headache symptoms.

If reaching trigger points in your neck with your hand seems impossible, you can slowly and gently roll over a golf ball or tennis ball, which massage trigger points and provide quick relief. If you are searching for relief from tight muscle knots, a trigger point massage could be the best thing you need because it helps to soothe tightness and relieve pain.

There are different possible causes of neck pain, including muscle strain, ligament sprains, arthritis, or a pinched nerve. But regardless of the reason, one treatment can help relieve the pain and stiffness, which is massaging trigger points in neck. If you are currently dealing with neck pain, consider trying these simple steps, and you will feel good all over again.

Start small and build up slowly, giving the body the necessary relaxation. If unsure where to start, give yourself a full-body massage and pay close attention to sore spots, as it is a sign of a trigger point. When the main points have been noticed, massage trigger points gently and firmly, allowing the muscles to warm up.

To increase blood flow, you can also apply little kneading strokes, either circular or back and forth. Build up the pressure slowly without reaching a level where it becomes unbearable. You should expect to experience some discomfort in the area, but too much pressure on it can be ineffective, so err on the side of caution. Avoid the urge to massage trigger points for a more extended period. If you exaggerate it, you could end up feeling sore. Read further for other types of exercises that could even help you achieve trigger point pressure release:

Using a full-length, 6-inch diameter foam roll to serve as a means to work out most of the trigger point pain that is often accompanied by neck pain, do the following:

  • Place the foam roll on the floor.

  • You can lie on it lengthwise.

  • Place your hands on your hip top.

  • Roll sideways, keeping the torso parallel close to the ground till the foam roller coils over the muscles where the sore trigger points are found.

  • Slowly roll 20 times to each side.

To obtain optimum benefits, consume a lot of liquid to stay hydrated before and after the massage or exercise, which helps eliminate toxins and waste products. Always prioritize a good sleep after every session, as it is crucial in soothing the nerves.


Looking for a way to relax your nerves or achieve trigger point pressure release? Our professional trigger point massager offers a series of tasks like conducting full client consultations, covering aches, the client’s medical history, and desired results from treatment sessions. We can help with the following:

  • Analyze and evaluate the client’s body and touch response to identify pain points and areas of tension

  • Use lotion or oils with a massage modality needed for the client’s desired results

  • Prescribe treatment plans through multiple massages sessions

  • Recommend home regimens for maintenance of results

  • Perform a trigger point pressure release which can be a simple, effective technique for treating myofascial trigger points.

After each session, the muscles should feel relaxed and looser; over time, regular trigger point massages provide long-lasting relief.
